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i am not an angry mumma...

Writer's picture: Pooja MistryPooja Mistry

I always wanted to be a Mumma! It was the one thing I KNEW I was made for! I had envisioned my life with children and I couldn't wait to have my big family.

The thing I never considered was the overwhelm of becoming a Mumma.

The pressures of being a modern Mumma are not discussed enough. We don't have the village anymore and we need to find our own. That's where the Mystri Family helps.
The pressures of being a modern Mumma are not discussed enough. We don't have the village anymore and we need to find our own. That's where the Mystri Family helps.

I have found that since having the boys, my patience has dropped considerably! I get overstimulated, overemotional and touched out. I feel like my to- do list keeps piling up and for every one thing I tick off... I somehow end up adding 3 more things on!

I know my boys need me, A LOT, but I cannot seem to manage the balance of then being needed by others around me. I feel like my cup is always emptying and I barely get the chance to fill it up so naturally when I get to the end of my tether... I burst.

It's not anger. It's a mix of everything I am and have been feeling.

I am tired and exhausted- physically my body has changed since the pregnancies and births and continues to change with my age. I cannot easily do things I could before and although my body is screaming to just relax- I know something has to give for me to do that.

I am overwhelmed and overstimulated and overworked. I feel like Feminism has completely messed us up! In a world where we were asking for equality, I feel we have added more to our buckets without sharing ours out with the opposite gender. And the toys! Every time I seem to declutter, more just keep appearing and the daily tidying up is killing me.

I am an anxious, worried, lonely, buried with mum guilt. Surely I can't be the only one feeling like this? But I can't tell anyone because what if they judge me? What if I AM THE ONLY ONE feeling like this? No one will want to be friends or talk to me. I need to do it because I have to make sure my boys get the best from life. Just shut, smile and keep going.

I am constantly balancing expectations and relationships and struggling with a identity crisis. No one prepared me for playing so many roles for so many people! A Mum, a wife, a daughter, a daughter- in- law, a sister, a friend, a business owner- the list is endless! Let alone balancing all the boys friends and their parents and playdates, birthday parties etc! How does anyone manage this!

I am recovering, learning, stressed, deflated, feeling burnt out, feeling lost, hungry, dehydrated, in pain, adjusting, jealous, managing my hormones, feeling out of control, tense, on edge, at the end of my tether and just ready to go!

Being a Mumma in the world we live in has been more than I imagined. Where do I find time for me? To be me? Wait though... who am I? Who is this person I am still getting to know and what do I like?

This is why I chose to arrange Mumma Nurture and Mum's Night Out. A space I found that allows you to word vomit everything. A safe space to share all the emotions and learn you are not alone. A space where you are supporting but also being supported. A space without judgement. Where you can empty the negative emotions and fill your cup up so you can go back to your family feeling happier and healthier.

Remember.... you too are not an angry Mumma. You are experiencing a mixture of feelings and emotions that are all valid.

Please share your experiences in the comments below and know we are stronger when we share and support each other.

Pooja xo

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