The materials on this page are for your personal use only. No copies should be made and/ or distributed. The password should not be shared with others outside of Mystri Mumma clientele.
Full rights are held by Mystri Mumma and Calm Births to all the relaxations.
Please practice the relaxations as often as you can.
DO NOT listen to the relaxations when in the bath or driving.
TIP: If Birth Partner put their hand on bump, whilst mum relaxes, the baby may be more inclined to move so you can feel baby! As mother relaxes, her uterine muscles relax and so baby has more space to play!
Pregnancy Relaxations
background music from
Positive Affirmations
The 4th trimester starts as immediately as soon as your baby is born and lasts until your baby is 3 months old. This time is all about getting used to changes. The changes for the baby moving from the womb into the world, the changes of roles and responsibilities as parents and the change is relationships. Adjusting to the new changes can be both exciting and overwhelming but can also be a time of confusion and lots of questions.
The 4th trimester is an important time to take a step back, focus on you and baby, and a time for you all to get to know one another. The first 3 months of your baby's life is where they will do a lot of their early learning and you will be learning a lot about them.

When you book onto our Hypnobirthing course, you also receive postnatal emotional support in your 4th trimester. I arrange a visit to see you, your partner and baby within the first 2 weeks (dependent on circumstances). We discuss your feelings and emotions around birth, how you are feeling postnatally and how you feel you are adjusting to your new life with baby.
The conversations we have are very casual, informal and non- judgmental. I am here to listen to you and to support you in the early days of parenthood.
With my Perinatal Mental Health experience, 1 in 5 mothers and 1 in 10 fathers experience some sort of Postnatal Illness and most parents do not seek support in fear of being judged. My role is to help you understand the normal changes in emotions and lifestyle once baby is born. I am passionate about empowering and supporting new parents feel confident. For me it is about ensuring you enjoy your baby and make beautiful memories that you can look back on as they grow up.